Troubleshooting HVAC Issues

Is your home's air conditioning system struggling to keep your rooms and family cool? Click here for more information.

Troubleshooting HVAC Issues

Six Problems You Can Create If You Attempt To Do Your Own AC Repair

2 March 2022
, Blog

You may be tempted to repair your air conditioning system yourself because you think that repair procedures should be fairly simple. However, it's important to realize that you can create numerous problems if you try to do your own AC repairs. The following are six problems you can create if you attempt to do your own AC repair.  You can cause additional damage to your AC and HVAC system. If you're not a professional AC technician, you could end up doing more harm than good when you attempt to perform DIY repairs.
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The Purpose Of The Fan In Your AC And The Repairs It Could Need

7 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you've ever wondered why your air conditioner condenser outdoors has a fan in it, you may not realize how important the fan is to the proper operation of your AC equipment. A fan breakdown or malfunction is a serious problem that needs quick attention from your AC servicer, or your air conditioner is at risk of overheating. Here's what the fan does and the type of repairs it might need.
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Preventative Maintenance Tips For Hidden Components In Your HVAC System

6 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Beyond your usual recommended annual maintenance like checking coolant levels and replacing batteries, there are additional steps you can take to make sure your HVAC system keeps running in top shape. Inspecting and maintaining components that aren't seen very often can help keep energy efficiency high and help you avoid serious electrical issues and even water damage. Duct Sealing and Insulation Your duct system is one of the most important components of your HVAC system.
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3 Signs That Tell You It’s Time To Call The Plumber

9 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, it is really important to make sure that you are well aware of when it is time to call for a plumber. This way, what may start out as a very small problem does not turn into something much worse. Don't make the mistake of putting off calling for professional plumbing work because of the cost, as leaving a plumbing issue alone will cause you to spend even more money in the future.
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Don’t Overlook These Benefits Of Air Conditioning Maintenance Services

12 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

You likely do not think about how much value your air conditioning system adds to your life until a really hot day. The day may come when you need to get an air conditioning repair. Many homeowners are not prepared when this happens. Air conditioning maintenance is the best defense against costly AC repairs. Unfortunately, some homeowners do not think about maintenance and feel that it is unnecessary until they experience a breakdown.
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About Me
Troubleshooting HVAC Issues

About a year ago, I realized that our air conditioner just wasn't cutting it. Our home was constantly hot and humid, even though our air conditioner was running almost all the time. In addition to driving up our energy bill, my entire family was tired of sweating constantly. To resolve the problem, we decided to hire an HVAC contractor to come out and fix the problem. He figured out that our compressor was damaged, and he replaced it for us. After that, our system ran great again. This blog is here for anyone who has ever had trouble diagnosing air conditioning problems.